photographs – io 0.0.1 beta++ interactive, semi-autonomous technological artifact, musical automaton, machine musician and improviser Wed, 21 Jun 2023 22:25:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 25192515 Documentation: io 0.0.1 beta++, the musical automaton and machine improviser constructed by Han-earl Park /2019/07/09/readme/ Tue, 09 Jul 2019 09:10:53 +0000 /?p=5456 io 0.0.1 beta++, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

Photo © 2010, Stephanie Hough.

Back, behind-the-scenes, I still have some articles in draft form that both detail the nuts’n’bolts decision-making processes in the construction of a machine improviser, and self-reflective critique such constructions, detailing the trade-offs and shortcomings of such an entity, and its design and implementation. I would like to get back to work on these at some point as they may provide as both cautionary tales and critical guides in future constructions of ‘creative’ automata and machine performances, and to anyone engaged in the critical (reverse-)engineering of such entities and their constructions. (There are so many stories, (self-)reflective and (self-)critical, of shortcoming and failures that get lost in our need to tell tales of technocultural heroics.)

Meanwhile, in this post I’d like to provide a selective index of documentation of io 0.0.1 beta++, its construction and performance, both of material published on this site and elsewhere.


\ constructor: Han-earl Park
\ copyright 2008 buster & friends' C-ALTO Labs
\ (Edinburgh, November 1996 -
\ (London, August 1997 -
\ (Den Haag, October 1997 -
\ (Valencia, March 1999 -
\ (Southampton, May 2000 -
\ (Cork, April 2006 -
\ (Cork, October 2008 -
\ REV: 0.0.1 alpha (Southampton, October 2000)
\ REV: 0.0.1 beta (Southampton, November 2000)
\ REV: 0.0.1 alpha++ (Southampton, July 2004)
\ REV: 0.0.1 beta++ (Cork, May 2010)

io 0.0.1 beta++ is an interactive, semiautonomous technological artifact that, in partnership with its human associates, performs a deliberately amplified staging of a socio-technical network—a network in which the primary protocol is improvisation. Together the cyborg ensemble explores the performance of identities, hybrids and relationships, and highlights the social agency of artifacts, and the social dimension of improvisation. Engineered by Han-earl Park, io 0.0.1 beta++ is a descendant, and significant re-construction, of his previous machine musicians, and it builds upon the work done with, and address some of the musical and practical problems of, these previous artifacts.

Standing as tall as a person, io 0.0.1 beta++ whimsically evokes a 1950s B-movie robot, constructed from ad-hoc components including plumbing, kitchenware and missile switches. It celebrates the material and corporeal; embracing the localized and embodied aspects of sociality, performance and improvisation.



Audio recordings

We watch and listen carefully because we know we’re seeing a kind of manifesto in action. What is an automaton? A sketch, a material characterization of the ideas the inventor and the inventor’s culture have about some aspect of life, and how it could be. io and its kind are alternate beings born of ideas, decisions and choices. It is because io stands alone, an automaton, that the performance recorded on this CD not only is music, but is about music.

Sara Roberts (from the liner notes)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531). [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

track listing: Pioneer: Variance (11:52); Pioneer: Dance (13:13); Ground-Based Telemetry (1:42); Discovery: Intermodulation (9:08); Discovery: Decay (5:08); 4G (0:59); Laplace: Perturbation (10:21); Laplace: Instability (3:08); Return Trajectory (8:24). Total duration: 63:57.

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.

[Additional recording…]

Articles and publications

My article, ‘In Conversation with an Automaton: Identities and Agency in a Heterogeneous Social and Musical Network’ [local copy…], published in the Leonardo Electronic Almanac: ‘My Favorite Things: The Joy of the Gizmo’ (Volume 15, No. 11-12, November–December 2007) is still probably the best description of the motivations and choices behind the io enterprise.


io 0.0.1 beta is an interactive, semi-autonomous technological artifact that, in partnership with its human associates, performs a deliberately amplified staging of a socio-technical network—a network in which primary protocol is improvisation. In this paper, I explore the performance of identities, hybrids and relationships, illustrating the space between myself (human partner and constructor) and io through imaginary conversations between us. Considering that io highlights, in particular, the social agency of artifacts, I find it fitting that my own notions about the nature of improvisation, the technical and the social have changed through my interactions with io.

[Read the rest…] [Local copy…]

In addition, this site has the following short pieces about the construction of io 0.0.1 beta++:

Han-earl Park, ‘frankenmusic(s),’ November 25, 2008:

Fifteen days ago, during the break between beta test sessions, Franziska Schroeder asked a pithy question that cut to the core of this enterprise: what do I hope to achieve? My answer surprised me even as it reminded me of Sara’s observation: my goal with io (and io++) is to encapsulate my take on improvisation—its mechanisms, its sociality, its significance. [Read the rest…]

Franziska Schroeder, ‘io + I met,’ November 24, 2008:

Who is io? What does she sound like? How would she react to me? Would she respond? Would she challenge me (musically, that is). In other words, would she adopt sensitively to changes, make creative contributions and develop musical ideas suggested by me? [Read the rest…]


  • io 0.0.1 beta++ 05-19-2010
  • Han-earl Park, io 0.0.1 beta++ and Bruce Coates, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)
  • Franziska Schroeder and io 0.0.1 beta++, Ó Riada Hall, 05-25-2010
  • io 0.0.1 beta++ construction 05-12-2010 (teaser)
  • io 0.0.1 beta++ construction 05-11-2010 (teaser)
  • io 0.0.1 beta++ construction 05-23-2010 (teaser)

images © 2010 Stephanie Hough, and © 2010–2011 Han-earl Park [additional images (google gallery)…]

Source code

Download all source files (requires HMSL to run):

View individual source files linked below:

\ additional midi stuff

include?  task-midi_plus  myt:midi_plus

\ device classes

include?  task-device           myt:device
include?  task-midi_device      myt:midi_device
include?  task-interpreter      myt:interpreter
include?  task-ctrl_interpreter myt:ctrl_interpreter
include?  task-fan_out          myt:fan_out

\ input components

include?  task-parser         myt:parser
include?  task-mono_parser    myt:mono_parser
include?  task-mono_parser+   myt:mono_parser+
include?  task-poly_parser    myt:poly_parser
include?  task-guitar_parser  myt:guitar_parser

include?  task-parser_list    myt:parser_list

include?  task-pulse_tracker  myt:pulse_tracker
include?  task-pulse_tracker+ myt:pulse_tracker+

include?  task-banalyzer      myt:banalyzer
include?  task-banalyzer+     myt:banalyzer+

\ output components

include?  task-gm_instrument myt:gm_instrument
include?  task-gm_drumkit    myt:gm_drumkit
include?  task-gm_patch      myt:gm_patch

include?  task-vl_sysex      myt:vl_sysex
include?  task-vl_instrument myt:vl_instrument
include?  task-vl_patch      myt:vl_patch

\ "henri poincare"

include?  task-floatingpoint      hsys:floatingpoint

include?  task-hp_util            myt:hp_util
include?  task-hp_fputil          myt:hp_fputil

include?  task-hp_particle        myt:hp_particle
include?  task-hp_force           myt:hp_force
include?  task-hp_space           myt:hp_space
include?  task-hp_gravity         myt:hp_gravity
include?  task-hp_fpgravity       myt:hp_fpgravity

include?  task-hp_particle_player myt:hp_particle_player

\ graphics

include?  task-graph_plus    myt:graph_plus
include?  task-gr_view       myt:gr_view
include?  task-screen+       myt:screen+
include?  task-ctrl_numeric+ myt:ctrl_numeric+

\ io -- globals and configuration

include?  task-io_config   io:io_config
include?  task-io_glob     io:io_glob

\ io -- modules

include?  task-io_interp_table io:modules:io_interp_table
include?  task-io_interp       io:modules:io_interp
include?  task-io_player       io:modules:io_player

include?  task-io_particle     io:modules:io_particle
include?  task-io_space        io:modules:io_space
include?  task-io_patches      io:modules:io_patches

include?  task-io_pdur_dlog    io:modules:io_pdur_dlog

\ io -- main components

io_test? .IF
	include?  task-hp_screen   myt:hp_screen
	include?  task-hp_screen+  myt:hp_screen+

include?  task-io_hp      io:io_hp
include?  task-io_matrix  io:io_matrix
include?  task-io_input   io:io_input
include?  task-io_output  io:io_output

\ io - user interface

include?  task-io_ui      io:io_ui
include?  task-io_screen  io:io_screen

io_file? .IF
	include?  task-file_elmnts     myt:file_elmnts
	include?  task-file_elmnts_mac myt:file_elmnts_mac
	include?  task-io_file_scene   io:modules:io_file_scene
	include?  task-io_file_glue    io:modules:io_file_glue
	include?  task-io_file         io:modules:io_file

io_turnkey? .IF
	include?  task-dialog     myt:dialog
	include?  task-midi_menu  myt:midi_menu
	include?  task-io_menus   io:modules:io_menus

\ io - top level

include?  task-io_top  io:io_top
video trailer: io 0.0.1 beta++ /2014/08/30/video-trailer/ /2014/08/30/video-trailer/#comments Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:32:22 +0000 /?p=2993

I’m creating YouTube samplers of some of the more recent items in my discography, and I’ve started by uploading a trailer for ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) [more info on the recording…].

On the stage: two men, a woman, and an artifact, a freestanding mélange of industrial, military, and domestic hardware. The humans hold graceful, polished objects, but the domed assemblage stands alone. And while the woman and men make sound (vibrate the air) holding and fingering the graceful objects, the artifact, named io 0.0.1 beta++, makes sounds without being touched at all. io and the humans improvise together, listening to each other, responding to each other’s musical gestures.

Sara Roberts (from the liner notes)

Music by Han-earl Park, Bruce Coates and Franziska Schroeder.
Images © 2010 Han-earl Park, and © 2010 Stephanie Hough.
Video collage © 2014 Han-earl Park. ℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) is available from SLAM Productions. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.

/2014/08/30/video-trailer/feed/ 1 2993
Baroque and Renaissance (audio clip: io 0.0.1 beta++) /2011/12/19/baroque-and-renaissance-audio-clip-io-001-beta/ /2011/12/19/baroque-and-renaissance-audio-clip-io-001-beta/#comments Mon, 19 Dec 2011 20:56:53 +0000 /?p=1892 Bruce Coates, Franziska Schroeder and io 0.0.1 beta++, Ó Riada Hall, Cork, 05-25-2010  (photo copyright 2010, Han-earl Park)

Bruce Coates, Franziska Schroeder and io 0.0.1 beta++ (Ó Riada Hall, Cork, May 25, 2010)

Third audio clip (and final in the series) from ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) below:

Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone), io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself) and Han-earl Park (guitar).

Excerpted from the track ‘Discovery: Decay’, the clip is taken from what is, for me, an uncharacteristic track on the CD, with its serene, careful and economical counterpoint between saxophonist Franziska Schroeder, me on guitar, and the interactive automaton io 0.0.1 beta++. Beppe Colli described this track as “‘Baroque’ and ‘Renaissance-like’, the whole sounding quite consonant, and so offering the most listener-friendly moment on the album” [read the review…] [in Italian…]. [More info on the recording…]

Thanks to George Haslam for his support. Audio clip courtesy of SLAM Productions.
Music by Han-earl Park, Bruce Coates and Franziska Schroeder.
Audio ℗ 2011 SLAM Productions. Please do not distribute audio file (you may share the link to this page).

Cannot play audio?

Try loading the original post, and playing back from there. Please contact me if you have further problems.

previous audio excerpts:

impressive synergy (audio clip: io 0.0.1 beta++)
standing alone (audio clip: io 0.0.1 beta++)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) is available from SLAM Productions. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.


11–06–12: change web audio player widget. [More info…]

08–07–13: another change of audio player.

/2011/12/19/baroque-and-renaissance-audio-clip-io-001-beta/feed/ 4 1892
impressive synergy (audio clip: io 0.0.1 beta++) /2011/11/18/impressive-synergy-audio-clip-io-001-beta/ /2011/11/18/impressive-synergy-audio-clip-io-001-beta/#comments Sat, 19 Nov 2011 00:21:44 +0000 /?p=1850 Bruce Coates and io 0.0.1 beta++, Ó Riada Hall, Cork, 05-25-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Franziska Schroeder)

Bruce Coates and io 0.0.1 beta++ (Ó Riada Hall, Cork, May 25, 2010). Photo © 2010 Franziska Schroeder.

Second audio clip from ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) below:

Bruce Coates (sopranino saxophone) and io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself).

Excerpted from the track ‘Discovery: Intermodulation’, the clip features Bruce Coates on sopranino saxophone in duet with the musical automaton io 0.0.1 beta++. One of my favorite moments from the CD, it’s a performance that demonstrates, to quote François Couture, “dismantled gestures, destabilizing timbres, and impressive synergy” [read the review…]. [More info on the recording…]

Thanks to George Haslam for his support. Audio clip courtesy of SLAM Productions.
Music by Han-earl Park, Bruce Coates and Franziska Schroeder.
Audio ℗ 2011 SLAM Productions. Please do not distribute audio file (you may share the link to this page).

Cannot play audio?

Try loading the original post, and playing back from there. Please contact me if you have further problems.

previous audio excerpts:

standing alone (audio clip: io 0.0.1 beta++)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) is available from SLAM Productions. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.


11–06–12: change web audio player widget. [More info…]

08–07–13: another change of audio player.

/2011/11/18/impressive-synergy-audio-clip-io-001-beta/feed/ 4 1850
standing alone (audio clip: io 0.0.1 beta++) /2011/10/21/standing-alone-audio-clip-io-001-beta/ /2011/10/21/standing-alone-audio-clip-io-001-beta/#comments Fri, 21 Oct 2011 13:20:45 +0000 /?p=1780 Han-earl Park and io 0.0.1 beta++, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Franziska Schroeder)

Han-earl Park and io 0.0.1 beta++ (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010). Photo © 2010 Franziska Schroeder.

Hear a short clip from ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) below. The clip, taken from the track ‘Laplace: Perturbation’, features the last minute of the solo by machine improviser io 0.0.1 beta++, and fades out as guitarist Han-earl Park joins it in free play. [More info on the recording…]

io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself) with Han-earl Park (guitar).

Thanks to Corey Mwamba and Jonathan Deasy for helping select this first clip. Thanks also to George Haslam for his support. Audio clip courtesy of SLAM Productions.

Music by Han-earl Park, Bruce Coates and Franziska Schroeder.
Audio ℗ 2011 SLAM Productions. Please do not distribute audio file (you may share the link to this page).

Cannot play audio?

Try loading the original post, and playing back from there. Please contact me if you have further problems.

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) is available from SLAM Productions. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.


11–06–12: change web audio player widget. [More info…]

08–07–13: another change of audio player.

/2011/10/21/standing-alone-audio-clip-io-001-beta/feed/ 4 1780
site update: image gallery /2011/09/30/site-update-image-gallery/ Fri, 30 Sep 2011 07:17:29 +0000 /?p=1588 io 0.0.1 beta++ image gallery

Press/publicity photos and images of io 0.0.1 beta++, its construction and performances, are collated at:

Photographs copyright the photographers. If you use any of the images, please credit the corresponding photographer. [Additional images…].

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) is available from SLAM Productions. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.

download release: io 0.0.1 beta++ /2011/08/04/download-release-io-001-beta/ Fri, 05 Aug 2011 06:32:19 +0000 /?p=1640 Franziska Schroeder and io 0.0.1 beta++ (Ó Riada Hall, Cork, May 25, 2010)

Franziska Schroeder and io 0.0.1 beta++ (Ó Riada Hall, Cork, May 25, 2010)

In addition to the physical CD, the recording of improvised music by human (Han-earl Park, Bruce Coates and Franziska Schroeder) and machine (io 0.0.1 beta++) performers, ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) is now available for download from

[iTunes…] [eMusic…]

I still recommend the physical CD, however, as it comes with Sara Roberts’ smart, witty and illuminating liner notes. You can get the CD from

[Slam Productions…]
[Get it from distributors/shops…] [Downtown Music Gallery…] [Jazzcds…] [Souffle Continu…] [Squidco…] [Wayside Music…]

…or from one of the musicians 😉

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) is available from SLAM Productions. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.


08–18–11: add Jazzcds to list of shops.

02–15–12: add Souffle Continu to list of shops.

03–28–12: add Squidco to list of shops.

manifesto in action (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++) /2011/05/29/manifesto-in-action-liner-notes-io-001-beta/ Sun, 29 May 2011 13:00:27 +0000 /?p=1308 io 0.0.1 beta++ and Bruce Coates, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

io 0.0.1 beta++ and Bruce Coates (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010). Photo © 2010 Stephanie Hough.

Fourth and final excerpt from Sara Robertsliner notes to ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531):

There is the limbic tickle of Freud’s uncanny, yes, our scanners are confused by this non-human playing music with humans.

But even beyond that animal attentiveness we watch and listen carefully because we know we’re seeing a kind of manifesto in action. What is an automaton? A sketch, a material characterization of the ideas the inventor and the inventor’s culture have about some aspect of life, and how it could be. io and its kind are alternate beings born of ideas, decisions and choices. It is because io stands alone, an automaton, that the performance recorded on this CD not only is music, but is about music.

© 2011 Sara Roberts.

previous excerpts:

‘a curious situation (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++)’
‘its own sound (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++)’
‘standing alone (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++)’

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) will be released by SLAM Productions in fall August 2011. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.


06–11–11: change release date to August 2011.

standing alone (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++) /2011/05/25/standing-alone-liner-notes-io-001-beta/ /2011/05/25/standing-alone-liner-notes-io-001-beta/#comments Wed, 25 May 2011 12:50:28 +0000 /?p=1296 io 0.0.1 beta++, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

io 0.0.1 beta++ (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010). Photo © 2010 Stephanie Hough.

Third excerpt from Sara Robertsliner notes to ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531):

For the audience, wondering how this artifact has so much presence, is so handily managing a situation they themselves might be challenged to negotiate? There is something in io’s performance that a human musician, even playing io as an instrument, could not do, even were the human to give up agency entirely and act as an automaton.

The fact that this assemblage stands, studded with missile switches, alone, on stage is meaningful.

© 2011 Sara Roberts.

previous excerpts:

‘a curious situation (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++)’
‘its own sound (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++)’

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) will be released by SLAM Productions in fall August 2011. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.

/2011/05/25/standing-alone-liner-notes-io-001-beta/feed/ 1 1296
its own sound (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++) /2011/05/21/its-own-sound-liner-notes-io-001-beta/ /2011/05/21/its-own-sound-liner-notes-io-001-beta/#comments Sat, 21 May 2011 11:53:48 +0000 /?p=1281 Han-earl Park and io 0.0.1 beta++, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

Han-earl Park and io 0.0.1 beta++ (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010). Photo © 2010 Stephanie Hough.

Another short excerpt from Sara Robertsliner notes to ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531):

io 0.0.1 beta++ is rather special in being both an instrument and a player. And given the two attributes it has a very particular sound, ‘sound’ here referring to both timbral quality and the broader sense of having an indelible identity, a style, having its own sound. [2]

io has an extravagant range of sounds made with superhuman amounts of air, and superhuman articulations of air resistance: a hummingbird trill that can go on without the limit of breath, bleats, blats, a grainy slur, shifts between piping and sandy sounds, elephant-like trumpeting, a faint spitty-sounding purr, slushy trills, a hoarse blast of full-spectrum noise, scumbling, whispery hisses ramping up to loud razzing. It can make delicate birdlike chirpings then abruptly sound like a power tool under duress, or render sounds reminiscent of emergency vehicles.

[2] George E. Lewis, ‘Interacting with Latter-Day Musical Automata’, Contemporary Music Review, Vol.18, No.3, 99–112 (1999).

© 2011 Sara Roberts.

Read the first excerpt: ‘a curious situation (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++)’.

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) will be released by SLAM Productions in fall August 2011. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.


06–11–11: change release date to August 2011.

/2011/05/21/its-own-sound-liner-notes-io-001-beta/feed/ 2 1281
a curious situation (liner notes: io 0.0.1 beta++) /2011/05/16/a-curious-situation-liner-notes-io-001-beta/ /2011/05/16/a-curious-situation-liner-notes-io-001-beta/#comments Mon, 16 May 2011 17:34:52 +0000 /?p=1196 Franziska Schroeder and io 0.0.1 beta++, Ó Riada Hall, 05-25-2010

Franziska Schroeder and io 0.0.1 beta++ (Ó Riada Hall, Cork, May 25, 2010)

A short excerpt from the liner notes to ‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) written by the California-based interactive media artist Sara Roberts:

On the stage: two men, a woman, and an artifact, a freestanding mélange of industrial, military, and domestic hardware. The humans hold graceful, polished objects, but the domed assemblage stands alone. And while the woman and men make sound (vibrate the air) holding and fingering the graceful objects, the artifact, named io 0.0.1 beta++, makes sounds without being touched at all. io and the humans improvise together, listening to each other, responding to each other’s musical gestures. io’s playing is often clearly relating to what the human musicians are doing.

What a curious situation. How does this mingling of human and non-human in the production of music work? What does an improvising artifact introduce into this techno-social imbroglio…?

© 2011 Sara Roberts.

‘io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) CD cover (copyright 2011, Han-earl Park)

‘io 0.0.1 beta++’ (SLAMCD 531) will be released by SLAM Productions in fall August 2011. [Details…]

personnel: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska Schroeder (soprano saxophone).

© 2011 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2011 SLAM Productions.


06–11–11: change release date to August 2011.

/2011/05/16/a-curious-situation-liner-notes-io-001-beta/feed/ 5 1196
photographs: Human-Machine Improvisations (Cork, 2010) /2011/05/13/photographs-human-machine-improvisations-cork-2010/ Fri, 13 May 2011 16:04:01 +0000 /?p=1147 Long overdue, but here are a few photographs from the May 26, 2010 performance by io 0.0.1 beta++ with Han-earl Park, Bruce Coates and Franziska Schroeder at Blackrock Castle Observatory (Cork, Ireland) [details…]. All photos by, and copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough.

io 0.0.1 beta++, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

io 0.0.1 beta++ (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010).
Photo © 2010 Stephanie Hough. [Black and white version…]

io 0.0.1 beta++, Bruce Coates and Franziska Schroeder, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

io 0.0.1 beta++, Bruce Coates and Franziska Schroeder (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010).
Photo © 2010 Stephanie Hough. [Black and white version…]

Han-earl Park, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

Han-earl Park (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010).
Photo © 2010 Stephanie Hough. [Black and white version…]

Han-earl Park, io 0.0.1 beta++ and Bruce Coates, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

Han-earl Park, io 0.0.1 beta++ and Bruce Coates (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010).
Photo © 2010 Stephanie Hough. [Black and white version…]

Han-earl Park, Bruce Coates, io 0.0.1 beta++ and Franziska Schroeder, Blackrock Castle Observatory, 05-26-2010 (photo copyright 2010, Stephanie Hough)

Han-earl Park, Bruce Coates, io 0.0.1 beta++ and Franziska Schroeder (Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, May 26, 2010).
Photo © 2010 Stephanie Hough. [Black and white version…]

The event was presented with funding from the Music Network Performance and Touring Award, and support from the Arts Council of Ireland, Blackrock Castle Observatory, The Castle Bar and Trattoria and the UCC School of Music.

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